Roadtrip 2017 Spring: Vancouver - Yakima - Bend - Yachats - Seaside - Vancouver

Day 11 - Cape Perpetua

Encounter on the path to the Spouting Horn

The spouting horn at Cape Perpetua is spouting its best.

Just north of the horn - this rocky shelf also wants to be a contender in the waves of drama competition.

Enormous splashes can happen at any time, anywhere.

The World-Famous Oregon Mind Maze presents its Kobayashi Maru fork to Wendy and Emma.

The outfall waters are lumpy today.

The long, long climbout from the Mind Maze.

The moment before the beam up.

At the end of the trail Sock Box Life is so comforting.

The view from our top perch.

And at the beach below our house... a good ole game of ball.

Have we ever mentioned there ain't nuthin' like a day at the beach?

What? I'm allowed to investigate stuff too.

The most evil sunset competition continues.

The World-Famous Ruins of Belvedere.

Last light.

Always time for one more game of stick.










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all images and text on this website
copyright 2014
Russel Kwan and Wendy Kwan
Vancouver BC Canada











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